A Few Acres of Snow: The Saga of the French and Indian Wars

$18.00 CAD

pp. 388, “A Few Acres of Snow also rejects recent scholarship on the French-Indian Wars by Richard White and Robert Merrill, which has revised traditional Native American roles from that of bloodthirsty savages to active participants in the Northwest Territory’s political economy. Leckie’s account often reads like a cantankerous, politically incorrect throwback to an era of historical writing where the Iroquois spent most of their time torturing Jesuits and roasting babies while the European civilizations, corrupt and flawed as they were, ultimately claimed an unruly empire.” previous owners name on FEP

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SKU: 276536 Category:

Book Information

Number of pages 388
Original Title A Few Acres of Snow: The Saga of the French and Indian Wars
Published Date 2006
Book Condition Good
Jacket Condition very good
Binding hardcover
Size 8vo
Place of Publication Edison


pp. 388, “A Few Acres of Snow also rejects recent scholarship on the French-Indian Wars by Richard White and Robert Merrill, which has revised traditional Native American roles from that of bloodthirsty savages to active participants in the Northwest Territory’s political economy. Leckie’s account often reads like a cantankerous, politically incorrect throwback to an era of historical writing where the Iroquois spent most of their time torturing Jesuits and roasting babies while the European civilizations, corrupt and flawed as they were, ultimately claimed an unruly empire.” previous owners name on FEP

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg