pp.183.paperback edition.”In order to encourage and foster the study of the history of youth and community work, the British journal Youth and Policy has sponsored five bi-annual conferences on the topic during the last decade, each held at Ushaw College Durham in the UK. Since 2006, the Extension Center for Youth Development at the University of Minneapolis has hosted a similar initiative in the US. This book is the fifth collection of essays developed from the Durham/Minnesota conferences on youth and community work. It is designed to seek out better solutions, more enlightened policies, and ways of working with young people, and it will stimulate dialogue and democracy rather than uniformity and conformity. The essays show the authors’ enthusiasm and determination to expose and preserve the cord of history, linking contemporary practitioners with those who came before. Their work is underpinned by a belief that dissent is essential for intellectual and social progress. Contents include: the development of youth work with girls and young women in the 19th century * a journey through the history of social pedagogy * Amelia Earhart, occupation: social worker * from Raikes’ revolution to rigid institution – Sunday schools in 20th-century * the UK’s HM Inspectorate and youth work, 1944-2009 * anomalous identities, youth work amidst ‘trashy daydreams,’ and ‘monstrous nightmares’ * crossing borders: reflections on Scotland’s first experimental youth center * the Kingston Youth Service: space, place, and the Albemarle legacy * lessons from the US National Youthworker Education * the rise and fall of the National Community Development projects 1968-1978: lessons to learn? * from Community and Youth Services Association (CYSA) to Community and Youth Workers Union (CYWU): a radical journey subverted.”