pp. 258, ” Despite being awarded numerous major honors and prizes, Richard Wilbur has received relatively meager critical attention, this being the first full-dress study of his poetry in almost 25 years. But Michelson has another purpose in writing Wilbur’s Poetry : to defend the poet’s reputation against the widespread perception that his verse is bland, unimaginative, and establishmentarian. Through a series of astute close readings of selected poems, Michelson offers convincing evidence that Wilbur is indeed a ” ‘darker,’ more complex, passionate, and original poet” than he is given credit for. The author is at pains to establish Wilbur’s originality, to show that he is much more than merely Poe or Frost “reupholstered.” The reader’s attention is focused on the poet’s craft, his keen wordplay, stylistic versatility, and psychological depth.”